Even small roof tear can lead to damaging dry rot


Join Terry and me in our RV shop as we check out this small tear in a roof membrane. Even something this small can cause BIG dry rot.

This is why routine inspections of your RV matter!

Check sealants and tapes

Most RV manufacturers recommend checking the roof sealants and seams every 90 days and to touch up or reseal as needed. Doing this will help prevent RV roof repairs. Checking the lap sealants and EternaBond tapes will help to protect your investment.

Lap sealant is used to seal all edges and penetrations to maintain waterproofing. It comes in multiple consistencies, but the factory typically uses white lap sealant with the same consistency for everything on the roof.

RV roof inspections

Don’t underestimate the damage a small roof penetration can cause to your RV. Water damage can lead to costly repairs and impact the value of your vehicle. That’s why it’s important to ensure your roof is in top condition.

Using lap sealant to reseal your RV roof

By using Dicor lap sealant, you can identify and seal any roof leaks quickly and easily. Plus, Dicor lap sealant is easy to use and won’t damage your RV roof. So if you’re looking for a way to seal RV roof seams, this video is for you!

Be safe, have fun, and keep up with your RV’s maintenance.

DIY product links:

  • Here is a link for Acrysol
  • Scraper tool blue CRL stick
  • Tapered Tip Stick and Handle
  • The best caulking gun
  • Dicor self-leveling lap sealant

More from Dustin

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California RV Specialists