California RV Specialists sells and installs a variety of PullRite fifth wheel hitches. Stop by and ask us about which PullRite hitch is right for you, we are here to help guide you with both sales and installation process.

Wondering “where can I find a trailer fifth wheel hitch installation near me?
Well we install trailer fifth wheel hitches on small trucks, large trucks, and everything in between.
If your in the market for a new hitch or just need some help with an existing hitch? Give us a chance to help you tow your vehicle safely.

PullRite’s Complete Towing Solutions!
From automatic sliders to single point attachment hitches, they make hitches to meet all your fifth wheel towing needs!
Old Hitch Swap – No problem!
Today we caught up with Biggin clean up and re-install a customer old hitch into his newly purchased 2018 Chevrolet Z71 pickup.
We where able to reuse his Pull-Rite Super Glider Fifth Wheel Hitch, however new mounting brackets and hardware had to be purchased and installed due to being installed in a newer vehicle.