For RV slide out service, a trick I like to do is take my 12-volt/18-volt air blower and a long swiffer-type sweeper and blow out and dust underneath them. I do this by running the room about 95 percent out and blowing from the inside out. You could also use an air compressor with a blow gun.
Here is a link to what I use for the underneath cleaning of the RV’s slide outs.
Depending on the type of slide out, watch the manufacturer’s videos to see the specifics on which lubricant to use and the techniques on how to lube them.
Also, don’t forget to treat the seals with a slide out wiper seal treatment.

Here is a link for the slide out rubber seal conditioner treatment I use. I like this one because it comes as a hand spray bottle so it can be used inside on the slide out seals and you can control it better.

You should also make sure the wheels underneath the slide are clean and lubed, as well. This is what I recommend for that.

Make sure to check all the hardware, sealants, seams, moldings, joints, corners, rails, flanges, rollers, and ramps, for anything lost, loose or separated. Do the same if you have slide out topper awnings.

Remember, water is the number one killer on the slide outs.
We recommend that you service your RV’s slide outs at least once every 12 months or more often depending on use.
Make sure you check out our website, California RV Specialists, and their YouTube channel for more helpful information, and see our published articles on RVtravel.com and other social media pages.