Most RV manufactures recommend checking the roof sealants and seams every 90 days, and to touch up or reseal as needed. This will help prevent RV roof repairs, by checking the lap sealants and eternabond tapes will help to protect your investment. The lap sealant is used to seal all edges and penetrations to maintain waterproofing. It comes in multiple consistencies, and the factory typically uses white lap sealant with the same consistency for everything on the roof.

$2000 10’-17’ $2200 18’-25’ $2400 26’-33’ $2600 34’-40’
- Perform roof inspection to check for sun damage or aged items that need to be replaced prior to service.
- Remove old sealant (as needed) to prep following areas for resealing: Front and rear moldings, ceiling roof vents, skylight, refrigerator vent, plumbing vents, TV and radio antenna, satellite dish, solar mounts, ladder stations and side seams.
- Service Includes: 16 tubes of self-leveling sealant, 2 tubes non-sag sealant, solvent cleaners, and shop supplies. (Additional charge for sealants as needed.)

A follow-up inspection is required within 90-days of the completed service. At that time, a free inspection will be performed. This is to ensure that the adhesives and sealants used in the reseal of your RV have remained in place from traveling, flex, vibration or hidden damage under moldings or joints. A no charge spot seal is included during this inspection if needed.
Exterior roof and sealants must be inspected and maintained every 90 days or as needed depending on weather conditions and usage. Even the finest materials will eventually dry out and lose their effectiveness. If any visible shrinkage, cracking or peeling, or any voids or missing sealant is evident, these areas must be resealed immediately to prevent damage. California RV Specialists is not responsible for inspection or spot seals after the 90-day in house warranty period.
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