Want to know the real reasons why roof sealants are failing and leaking?
First, during production the manufacturers are building the coaches within three days (in most cases). They are using a minimal amount of sealants so that the unit can quickly dry and be transported for sale.
Also, in order to save time during production, the fasteners and screws are being installed with impact guns. This damages the integrity of the structure they’re being secured to.
Multiple shortcuts are used, including screws being missed in multiple precut holes and the ends of moldings for security and a finished looked. Moldings are often being cut short. When the unit flexes, it causes the moldings to separate from the thinly applied roof sealants.
Now, what owners need to be aware of! All roofs require maintenance—it doesn’t matter if the unit is stored inside or is exposed to the elements.
What they don’t tell you is that the roof sealants need to be cleaned as well as the roof membrane. If you are cleaning the sealants and cleaning and treating the membrane, the roof and the sealants will last a lot longer. When sealants heat up, the oil in them bleeds out and then dust and dirt stick to them. This causes the sealants to shrink, crack, separate and lift up. This is what causes your roof to leak.
Just like an ink cartridge
Lastly, we have all bought a printer at one time or another. It comes with a starter printer cartridge and the starter cartridge does not print that much. The next thing you know you’re out of ink and it’s time to go down and buy that expensive ink cartridge. This is the same situation after a little while with the roof. Because of the above issues, the roof will require to be thickened up or completely re-sealed. If this is not done, then your roof will leak and it will cause damage. Just like the air in your tires getting low and it’s your responsibility to fill them back up.
Brands of RV roof sealants
There are basically two main RV sealant brands out there: Alpha and Dicor. Keep in mind that for years both brands have been used on all roofs. We only use Dicor. Why?
Because other brands have adopted different chemical regulations, this causes their brands to fail to self-level, and not to adhere to roof surfaces. This also applies to the glue used on the roofs.
Wonder why RV roofs lift in travel? The same thing applies: They have changed the chemistry of the glue. (It’s not sticky).

So why are RV owners jumping on the EternaBond tape wagon and other brands of roof tape? Because influencers are advising you and pushing their products. Oh, it’s so great… NOT!

Did you know that the tapes don’t seal off the air from inside or outside the units? As the interior air pressure rises and hot and cold air attempt to force itself out of the gaps, it causes the tape to lift, allowing condensation underneath.
Be safe, have fun, and keep up with your maintenance.
DIY Products
- Dripless Caulking Gun
- Geocel Pro Flex RV Flexible Sealant – White, Clear or Black
- CRL Chisel Tip Scraper Tool – Pack of 5
- Acrysol Body Solvent Cleaner
- Dicor Lap Sealant – White, Black, Ivory, Tan, Gray
- Pan Head Metal RV Screws – Black or White
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