Your RV is broken and RV warranty is about to run out! Now what? Who will do your RV warranty work for you? California RV Specialists is an independent RV repair shop. Please note due to the different procedures with the manufacturers, this is a very laborious task for our repair shop to handle, so we only accept extended warranties at this time.
However you do have rights as a consumer, maybe it’s not too late to have your RV warranty inspection performed! Most manufacturers require dealerships that carry their brand to complete warranty work.
We try to do our best to help the consumer, So we started offering a RV warranty inspection, this can help you determine if you have any issues.

Manufacture Claims:
We have all been told the manufacture does a initial quality inspection process before the unit is shipped to the dealership. Some even state they send the units to a dedicated PDI center to go through a rigid point-by-point inspection process and doing all the final finishes.
Dealerships Claims:
Dealerships all state they performed there Pre-Delivery Inspection or PDI? However most dealerships are only checking basic common items, checking for anything damaged or missing so they can make the sale and get it off there lot.
Post-Delivery Inspection or PDI. So now you have signed the dotted line only to find out before or after there is an issue with your new RV. The dealership quickly rushing to confirm that all basic system are functional before you took possession of it.
Something to think about!
What did the dealership skip, what did they miss and or was it an inexperienced tech that did the Pre PDI or the Post PDI to begin with. What did the dealer not catch or not tell the manufacture? It all comes down to communication. If each party was in a rush, Pre Covid or Post Covid. Don’t you want to know whats really going on with your unit before the warranty runs out?
Now how does this work after the unit been inspected. Well, there are a few different options for getting RV warranty repair work done.
- You authorize us on your behalf to perform and complete the repairs at your expanse.
- You contact the manufacture prior to having CAL RV do the repairs, so that you can seek reimbursement and order any parts from the manufacture.
- CAL RV will provide you a written estimate , along with any picture and tech notes so that you can seek authorization.
- You will be required to submit the issues to your warranty company.
Most manufacturer’s warranties will cover 1-year bumper to bumper. In conclusion, be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your RV warranty.
You will be required to submit the issues to your warranty company.
Make sure you check out our website, California RV Specialists, and their YouTube channel for more helpful information, and other social media pages.