In this “What’s In The Shop?” video, I provide a follow-up for a vehicle’s suspension that we recently inspected here at California RV Specialists. During that original inspection, we found a worn shackle link that was hanging on by a thread. This update shows the worn shackle links along with the worn-out bushing in the center equalizer found during repairs.
A full upgrade to an RV’s suspension system
The customer opted to have a full suspension upgrade by having the Dexter E-Z Flex® Kit and new leaf springs installed. This video captures the before and after of the unit’s full suspension.

Ensuring your unit’s suspension is in good working order is an easy way to keep your unit in shape. Suspension plays a major role in keeping the vibration, shaking, bouncing and G-forces under control—all of which affect your unit’s framework and the unit’s contents. The Dexter E-Z Flex System provides up to an 80 percent reduction in forces compared to a standard suspension system.
This system has several other advantages:
- Easy to install
- No welding, grinding or cutting of the trailer frame
- No special axle hangers required
- Doesn’t change ride height
If you’re interested in installing the Dexter E-Z Flex Kit on your unit, know that it’s offered in two sizes:
- Dexter EZ Flex Kit: 33in Axle Spacing
- Dexter EZ Flex Kit: 35in Axle Spacing
We hope this video serves as another reminder to check your suspension systems! Catching things like a worn shackle link during an inspection is far less expensive than finding it after a catastrophe out on the road.
More from Dustin
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