I’m raising this concern because we’ve been seeing a disturbing number of RVs coming into the shop with damaged roof membranes. I’ve also noticed quite a few posts on Facebook from other owners experiencing the same issue. It seems like the problem stems from the roof glue failing to adhere properly, which causes the TPO roof material to come loose.

What’s Happening?
- The Issue: The problem is most noticeable at the front cap. While driving, air can get underneath the trailer or fifth wheel’s front cap, causing the roof membrane to balloon up.
- The Damage: This can lead to the roof wrinkling, catching air, and eventually tearing wide open! We’ve seen multiple cases of this, and it’s becoming a serious issue.

The Fix:
- Adding a Second Front Cap Molding: The current solution is to add a second front cap molding and seal it with self-leveling lap sealant (we use Dicor for this).
- Extra Measures: We’re also taking additional steps to ensure this issue doesn’t happen again, which I’ll explain in an upcoming video.
What You Should Do:
- Inspect Your Roof: If you’re able to, check your roof as soon as possible. Look for any signs of the membrane coming loose, particularly around the front cap.
- Get Professional Help: If you can’t inspect it yourself, contact your local dealership or repair shop to have them check it out. Ensure they verify if there’s a second molding in place.
Additional Concerns:
- Over-Glueing: We’ve noticed some roofs have been over-glued, possibly in an attempt to hold down the roof material better. However, this can cause long-term damage to the OSB sheeting due to the glue not drying completely and remaining sticky for years.
- Under-Glueing: Conversely, some roofs might be under-glued, which could be contributing to the problem, especially in high winds.
My Final Thoughts:
While this is good for business, it’s bad news for RV owners like you. I’m sharing this to protect you from potential issues. Please take my recommendation seriously and check your roof as soon as you can.
Stay tuned for more updates on “In the RV Shop with Dustin” and thank you for following, sharing, and subscribing to our YouTube channel.
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